Experiement 3: Early stage of Bridge/School

10:13 Unknown 0 Comments

Majorities of the lecture/studio space have a long glass facade which in purpose to capture more light, celebrates the views that the university offers, perhaps even inspiring new ideas.   

Wall climbing can be experienced at the rear side of the building, while can be seen when one is transiting from square house to the school .

I have incorporated the mini bridge concept into this design, to allow more movement and interaction within the complex.   

Above is an sketchup model, currently in the middle stage. A texture and more opening will be applied to enhance and promote my idea of movement expressed in this complex. 


Experiment 3: 36 custom textures

00:43 Unknown 0 Comments

Scalar Translation


Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye

20:22 Unknown 0 Comments

Built in 1929, located in Poissy, Paris This piece of Architecture incorporates Le Corbusiers The Five Points which is a list of prescribed elements to be embedded in design. These five points are Pilotis, Flat Roof Terrace, Open Plan, Ribbon Windows and Free Façade.

Above is the floorplan for the ground which I rotated it and transformed it into a section, and modify it.


Experiment 3: Moving element..

20:04 Unknown 0 Comments

I wanted more interaction with my bridge/school with its connected elements (square house to the gymnasium). The idea of wall climbing which I thought can be a new opportunity for communication between building to students.   

People who are climbing can experience a special relation towards the complex as well as having a new perception with the surroundings. 

I will also have little "bridges" that connects between floors instead of stairs, since i wanted more movement as well interacting directly with the building not its elements. 


Experiment 3: Developed Sketches

03:30 Unknown 0 Comments

I was asked to pick out 2 from the 6 sets of blocks, then further develop or explore these ideas. 

This particular set of 2 point perspective was redesigned based on elements from the previous drawings. In addition, i wanted to explore interlocking between blocks and the interacting space that it can offer. 

This sets shares the same idea as the above, as to determine the relative space it can offer. 


Experiment 3: 18 perspective drawings

04:00 Unknown 0 Comments



Experiment 3: Mash Up

07:19 Unknown 0 Comments


Updated Lumion photos

06:26 Unknown 0 Comments

After discussing with my tutor, and referring to the feedbacks I've recieved. Ive decided to make an minor changes towards my shape, which one is to reengage with the natural environment as well as to restablish a new form and mass for my marker.

I chose to add extra lights because i wanted to cuved shape to have an reflective and glowing effect,
which i am trying to resemble Sanaa architects' interesting constast betwen glass and light.



Lumion pictures

06:17 Unknown 0 Comments


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